As a bassguitar teacher for almost 20 years now I have noticed that most advanced bassplayers have the tendency to play either "thinking" and "seeing". What I mean is: they look at a part and see, let's say, a C minor chord. Immediatly there is an association with the graphic on the neck like in little flashes. Or a complete scale. And they SEE all the options. But these options are often played randomly. So theoretically their lines are right but they sound bizar. It is because their knowledge of these graphics is not connected to the main thing: The Ear!
Gary Willis has written the method that I would have loved to have written. In this method he connects the ear to the knowledge that very often is already there. Finally someone wrote the book in which the basis of good improvisation is explained. Thanks Gary, this is gonna be my bible!
Pages: 64
Year: 2008
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