While "Jazz Guitar Technique," Andrew Green's first book, (highly recommended) covers many facets of jazz guitar playing, "Jazz Guitar Structures" is focused on the process of solo line development. "Jazz Guitar Structures" provides a detailed approach to building improvised jazz lines using short identifiable structures. Anyone familiar with Andrew Green's first book, "Jazz Guitar Technique," knows that he is concise and direct in delivering information. This new book also includes a CD that demonstrates many of the lines in the book with bass & piano rhythm section accompaniment.
This book details an approach that includes hearing, facility and visualization exercises by which the reader gains experience in hearing and applying familiar melodic figures to most chord types. This approach really helps to reduce the seemingly huge amount of material that one can feel confronted with when working at jazz improvisation. This is not a book of licks or stylistic examples. Rather, it is a detailed approach to making the greatest use of short melodic structures. What excites me is that this approach, once mastered, will enable a person to fully develop many, many uses for melodic structures as they come into one's musical consciousness. As a student of improvisation, I have read interviews with the masters where one will refer to hearing one of her or his favorite players apply an idea in many different contexts. I am quite sure that "Jazz Guitar Structures" provides a method with which to do that. This is excellent material.
Pages: 136
Year: 2004
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