This is really a great book.
Go to the roots of the chords and build form there with your pinky finger. try different strums and plucks. You'll get it. After forty years I can finally play a really COOL tune, instead of only channeling Jimi Hendrix. Trying to do the opposite, with a REALLY laid back, melancholy (well, that's the same), almost shy virtuoso approach is opening up many doors. This music is everything American def medal is not. Brilliant. Get this book as a portal. It includes at least three ways to approach each song. And so you see that each time you play them, you must play it differently (or are free to improvise as you wish) LEarn tunes with more than one two or even three chords. YOu will not regret it. Great place to continue and expand and to breathe.
Pages: 136
Year: 2004
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