I bought this book in the '70s, when I was trying to be a self-taught rock guitarist. It was initially very helpful because of its basic explanation of chord theory--this really advanced my understanding of music in general and the guitar in particular. It also got me interested in jazz, though I didn't really understand much of what he was talking about. Now I play jazz guitar, and this book has been very helpful to me. The book contains pages and pages of different inversions of different chord types, and when you first open the book you might think this is the point, but it's not. The point of the book is found in the sections on chord theory that follow those diagrams. Here Ted Greene gives a very helpful analysis of the principles of chord substitution--these are the basics of jazz guitar comping (accompaniment) and also solo playing. Along with his discussion of the theory, Ted Greene gives many sample ways of playing the things he's discussing, and these are very valuable chord sequences (worth memorizing). My copy of this book is mostly worn out from years of turning the pages, and I can largely chart my musical education in terms of when I digested various parts of this book. It's a book for serious study, but if you're into that, I recommend it highly. His two volumes on single-note soloing are also extremely helpful.
Pages: 114
Year: 1981
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